Our lives are lived at such a fast pace now. We have to work more hours than before to pay the bills. We want to afford all the bright shiny new tech that we must have. All this because marketing has put the label on it as a ‘must have’. If you don’t keep up with the ages and have the perfect show home, we are perceived as poor. We can’t possibly show that to our friends and family, can we? Our ego’s kick in.
This means parents are working longer hours to provide what society says; we cannot do without, but at what cost??
It means less down time, less time with the family, more guilt for not being there, which accumulates in stress and anxiety. So, we work even harder to cope, for which we don’t and the family dynamic crashes, relationships crack and most of all we put ourselves last.
When we do allow ourselves the break, time to be us, we trawl Facebook, Instagram and scour the internet looking for anything to take us out of our lives for a little respite. We look at others’ lives through the 5 second snap of their posts or feed, nights out, holidays, family parties, new purchases or new loves and we procrastinate and compare our issues with their successes (very short as they are).
We are a lost society, even our faces, bodies, lifestyles are not enough, we are not enough, searching for new diets, new trends, new cosmetics to make us look faultless. All to make us fit in, so no one can comment negatively, but who are we? we have lost the soul of our existence.
The ONLY way we can affect our lives is to live the way we serve ourselves, not what is expected of us!!
How can we affect others, attract others, inspire others if we don’t love ourselves? We all give out a vibration, an energy and if that energy is low or negative all we are unconsciously saying if F*** O**.
Hence the first rule MUST be; to be true to us. To live our lives, follow our dreams and love and be there for the important loved ones in our lives. Spend time and energy to play with our kids. Your children, wives, family are more important than a shiny new object; which is out of date the second you buy it and you purchased only to keep up with the Jones’s!! As the saying goes.
Time is the most precious commodity. As we all know, it goes so quickly, kids grow up so fast. Don’t miss a second of their childhood and innocence as it can never be regained. Take that time to grow together, sit and listen to your mind and thoughts. Just 10-15 minutes a day in meditation could change your day, repeat and it can change your week, then a month or your life.
Your physiology affects your psychology
Relationships are built on connection, affection and love, for which we have to be present for.
Spend time working on yourself, following your dreams your passions, your goals and the people around you will follow. The positive vibe, the positive energy you produce will allow people to see the real you, your purpose, and it will inspire the people close to us and bring them on the journey. That’s happiness.
Change your habits, relieve the constant pressure we are putting ourselves under and return to the core attributes of a human being and our souls.
Take time to grow, read, laugh, love, connect and exercise, whether aggressively or passively but it will change your mindset. Exercise will encourage you to do more. When those natural endorphins and highs kick in, there’s nothing like a high or success you have created yourself with no contraindications.
Be who you want to be, be with the people you want to be with, and love, that’s life, that is living.
What a way to inspire the next generation who are getting lost in the web on false marketing, false expectations and loss of identity. Lead by example.